According to old superstitions, taking off your engagement ring was considered bad luck. However, myths aside, it’s best to take your jewelry off when you’re not wearing it to keep it clean and secure. It’s not unlucky if you leave your engagement ring or wedding band at home while going to the gym (nor is it a reflection of your relationship). In contrast, making wise decisions will keep your valuables safe (and beautiful) in the long run.
Engagements, like any other significant life event, are fraught with superstitions. One of them is the belief that attempting to put on another person’s engagement ring or allowing someone else to slip your ring on her finger will bring bad luck.
Is this a widely held belief?
While no statistics exist on how many people believe that trying on a ring is bad luck, this is a frequently asked question on wedding message boards. According to The Knot, this topic is frequently discussed on its message boards and is popular among brides-to-be. Others may request to wear the ring simply because it is a one-of-a-kind and personal item, which may offend some. Others were concerned that having another person wear the ring would bring bad luck to the marriage.
Three Possible Sources of Superstition
There is little documented history of superstitions surrounding engagement rings, and none involve the ring being worn by someone else. People may believe it’s bad luck for a variety of reasons.
Symbolizing the Wearer’s Marriage
Wearing a ring on your left ring finger before getting engaged is considered a bad omen because it sends the message that you’re “taken.” Seeing an engagement ring on a woman’s finger in the past may have confused potential suitors who may not have been able to politely inquire about her relationship status. This fear of being perplexed gradually evolved into a belief in bad luck. Because trying on a ring entails wearing it for a short period of time, this superstition may apply.
Signs of a Relationship with the Fiancee
The symbolism of an engagement ring may also contribute to the superstition. Finally, this ring symbolizes the wearer’s promise to love and be faithful to her fiance; it is about their emotional bond. When someone else wears the ring, the symbolism changes and she is able to enter the relationship. Over time, this sensation could have evolved into a superstition.
Making the Loss of the Ring Vulnerable
Mistakes with engagement rings are uncommon, but they can be emotionally devastating. Allowing another person to try on a ring means giving up control of a sentimentally and financially significant piece of jewelry. This uneasy feeling can quickly turn into a sense of foreboding or the fear that you’re inviting bad luck.
Make your own choice
Finally, letting someone else try on your ring (or a friend’s ring) makes you feel unlucky, don’t do it. Superstitions are based on emotion, not logic. Avoid any interactions that may detract from your happiness while engaged. When someone asks to try your ring or suggests you try hers, explain that you want to keep things positive during this special time.
Many superstitions are based on faith. Some are self-evident, while others are baffling. Regardless, a sizable number of people have faith in them. How many times have you seen baseball players put on the same shoe first each game? Or those who must salute three times if only one magpie is seen? It’s perplexing, as we previously stated.
Superstitions are the type of thing that we can choose whether or not to believe. We might walk under a ladder one day and then spill salt the next without thinking twice. We’ve all heard of the “something old, something new…” superstition for brides on their wedding day, but did you know there are superstitions surrounding engagement rings as well? There are none.
Choose a day that is convenient for you
The day you buy the ring, not the day of your wedding or even the day of your engagement. According to an odd American superstition, the day you buy the ring will determine your future. If you will, consider it the engagement equivalent of the “Monday’s child…” rhyme. Friday is a bad day to buy a ring, according to ring superstition. However, the reason for this is unknown. Is it Friday the 13th? Buying on a Monday will result in a hectic schedule for the buyer, so make your choice!
Allow no one else to put it on
If another woman wears the ring falsely, she is not the owner and will steal the fiancé. We understand that this one is probably just an excuse to not let anyone else wear it. An engagement ring is a piece of jewelry that is very personal to the couple. It’s correct that it shouldn’t be passed around like a new hat.
What Is the Function of the "Ring" Finger?
In most Western cultures, wearing wedding and engagement rings on the third finger of the left hand is the only option. The Vena Amoris (love vein), according to legend, connects this finger to the heart. It’s debatable whether doctors would agree with her, but it’s a cute superstition. Could it be that the ancient Romans, who started it all, just knew how to spot a good marketing hook?
Allow No Loose Loose Loose Loose Loos
If the engagement ring is loose, it is a bad omen for the relationship. After all, how can it be a long-lasting engagement if the ring is unsure which way to point? The worst part about having a loose call is that you may lose it along the way. This is most likely one of those cases where logic triumphs over superstition.
The Three Stones Superstition
Three-stone engagement rings are all the rage this year, thanks to Prince Harry. He proposed to Meghan Markle with a diamond ring set with three diamonds. The first was from Harry’s personal collection in Botswana, and the other two were from his mother’s. The three diamonds represent the past, present, and future of the wearer, and it is said that losing one would be disastrous.
It should never be removed
Taking an engagement ring off signifies that it was never meant to be worn and will bring bad luck. At least, that’s how legend has it. However, we see many women who have mastered the art of shifting the ring from one finger to the next while maintaining skin contact. Perhaps they know something we don’t!
When Is It Time to Take Off Your Engagement Ring?
When Is It Appropriate to Remove a Wedding Band?
An engagement ring is not something that everyone possesses. If you only wear a wedding band, almost all of the same rules apply. Platinum, sterling silver, tungsten, wood, and even diamonds are common materials used to create wedding bands. Avoid exposing your wedding band to harsh chemicals, soaps, or beauty products of any kind. To avoid potential ring damage, remove your ring at the gym and leave it at home when going to the beach or pool.
When is it appropriate to wear your engagement ring?
It’s fine to wear your engagement ring if you know it won’t be exposed to harsh chemicals or excessive pressure. Everyday activities will not harm your wedding jewelry, so wear it proudly. Remove it only if you are certain it will come into contact with potentially harmful agents.
Once your fiancé places the engagement ring on your finger, you’re unlikely to want to take it off. We comprehend. However, if you want your bling to last a long time, avoid wearing it while doing the following seven activities.
I’d like to remove it. We comprehend. However, if you want your bling to last a long time, avoid wearing it while doing the following seven activities.
Here’s when you should remove your engagement ring to keep it in pristine condition.
Getting in Shape
It’s a good idea to remove that lovely little ring before you begin to sweat. “The materials used in diamond jewelry, platinum, and gold are, to a degree, soft,” Watling explains. As a result, if you rock your ring while performing activities that put pressure on these metals, you risk altering their shape. “If the shape of the ring is bent enough, you risk bending the claws that hold the diamond and your diamond falling out,” he continues. Sports are a good example of this. Any type of hands-on physical activity (such as soccer, basketball, or tennis) is another excellent example of when wedding bands and engagement rings should be removed.
Lotions and moisturizers are great for your skin, but not so much for your ring, as excess buildup can dull the stone’s brilliance over time. To protect your rock and avoid a cloudy layer of the film forming on it, wait until your hands are completely dry before reapplying your bling.
Did you know that cosmetics, hair sprays, and perfumes can cause grime to accumulate on your ring, reducing its natural sheen? I remove my rings as soon as I enter my house so that I can go about my nightly routine uninterrupted.
Never, ever For one thing, cold water causes your fingers to “shrink,” making it even easier for an already loose engagement ring to disappear while swimming. As a result, engagement rings should not be worn while swimming in the ocean. Chlorine in the pool can corrode and discolor your ring mounting as well as your platinum, gold, or white gold wedding band.
You can easily bang up your engagement ring on hard surfaces while cleaning the house (think bathroom counters, kitchen floors, etc.) and cause serious damage to the stone and setting. Harsh chemicals found in many common household cleaners, such as bleach and ammonia, can even change the color.
The final time you should not wear an engagement ring is while cooking or preparing food. Bacteria and germs can easily get stuck in the ring setting. And, as with the shower, rinsing anything in the sink puts the ring at risk of falling off. If at all possible, remove it while cooking.
If you’ve ever asked yourself, “Can I shower with my engagement ring?” you already knew the answer was no—and you were correct. The shower can be a dangerous place for engagement rings for two reasons. First, when your fingers are all lathered up and slippery with soap, a ring can easily slip off—and if the ring slips off, it will most likely fall down a drain and be lost forever. Second, exfoliating soaps can scratch your diamond, whereas oily soaps can dull it.
Engagement Ring Superstitions
The folklore surrounding love and luck is extensive, and engagement rings are no exception. While most of these beliefs are old wives’ tales, it’s worth learning about them so that those planning a wedding aren’t concerned. After all, a wedding should be a joyful and stress-free occasion.
The day of the week they buy an engagement ring will have an effect on their future marriage. Those who purchase a ring on a Monday, for example, will have a hectic schedule, whereas those who purchase a ring on a Saturday will have a relaxing schedule. This superstition also applies to wedding dates, with an old rhyme claiming that the best day for a wedding is Wednesday. According to the rhyme, Saturday is the worst day for shopping for an engagement ring.
Some believe that engagement rings bring good fortune to a marriage. As a result, it is believed that a second-hand engagement ring passed down through family members carries the joy or sorrow of a previous marriage. So, if the previous marriage was happy, the engagement ring will make the new couple happy. If the marriage was rocky, some experts believe problems are on the way. If this is true, it will have a big impact on a lot of couples, because beautiful rings are traditionally passed down through families. After all, not using valuable gemstones on a regular basis would be irresponsible. This begs the question of whether the gemstones themselves are thought to bring good fortune or if the piece of jewelry as a whole is fated. If the ring is causing the bad luck, the gemstones can always be reset into a new ring. Another common misconception is that the engagement ring should not need to be changed. This becomes even more problematic if the gemstones have been tainted by a turbulent marriage. One option is to wear the ring as a non-engagement ring or to incorporate the gemstones into another piece of jewelry, such as a pendant.
Superstitious people wonder if Kate Middleton’s blue sapphire engagement ring, which came from Diana’s unhappy marriage, is the best choice. According to gemstone superstition, a sapphire in a wedding ring is said to bring a happy marriage. Aquamarine is another stone that is thought to promote a long and happy marriage. Emeralds, a type of aquamarine, are also thought to bring marital happiness. In some cultures, emeralds are thought to have aphrodisiac properties. Finally, diamonds are said to represent love. When it comes to stones to avoid, pearls have a reputation for causing marriages to fall apart when used as an engagement or wedding ring. This could be because of the drop shape of pearls. Westerners believe that opals are unlucky for engagement rings. In the East, on the other hand, opals are thought to bring good fortune. The fact that pearls and opals are less hardy and durable than other, more traditional gemstones is one reason to avoid using them in an engagement ring.
When it comes to wearing the engagement ring, the fourth finger of the left hand is used. The ancient Romans believed that a “Vena Amoris” (Vena Amoris) connected the finger to the heart, giving rise to this tradition. Many people believe that allowing another woman to try on an engagement ring is bad luck. This is due to the fact that the other person will either steal the ring’s good fortune, bring their bad fortune to the ring, or steal the husband! Other old wives’ tales hold that the bride’s engagement ring should never be removed from her hands. A loose or uncomfortable engagement ring is considered a bad omen, and a lost or broken engagement ring is considered the worst kind of bad luck. It would be unlucky for whoever was in charge of replacing such a valuable piece of jewelry!
In most cases, the preceding should not be taken too seriously. As the examples above show, much of the lore surrounding gems and engagement rings is contradictory. It is also said that superstitions only come true for those who believe in them. By emphasizing them, such beliefs are perpetuated. Marriage, like life, is what it is.