How To Break News To Your Guest About Postponing The Wedding

  • By intesolsdev
  • October 9, 2020
  • 0 Comment

2020 has taken everyone on a wild ride and overall hasn’t really been the best year for anyone. So many plans had to be cancelled or postponed and that includes weddings. If you are one of those couples, we would advice you to keep on reading as we have quite some insight on how you can communicate to your guests about postponing the wedding.

Whether you’ve decided to go for smaller wedding with just your really close friends or thinking of holding it off until next year, we are here to help you through the process. You may be having a hard time communicating this piece of information to all the invited guests and that’s completely understandable. Here are some things you can do:

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Take a Breather

The very first thing to do is take a deep breath and stop panicking. We know your wedding is one of the most important day in your life and you want everything to be perfect. However, this is the time to make the best out of a bad situation.

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Make Some Decisions

The next thing you need to think about is whether you want to have a small, intimate wedding or whether you want to postpone it until the COVID-19 threat has drowned down all together. When opting for a small wedding, you will obviously have to limit the number of guests and that means not inviting over half the people you did before. It is important that you communicate this to every single guests you invited before. Be honest and communicate via email, text or social media. No one will take things personally as everyone is aware of the pandemic and the new rules for social gatherings.

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Before setting the new date, check with the people you are inviting about their availability and whether or not they would be willing to attend. For whatever reason if some of your really close friends or family members can’t make it, you can opt for live streaming the ceremony so they can be a part of it.

You can always have a big party later down the line once life goes back to normal, so don’t feel too bad about not inviting as many people. Prioritize your safety and understand that it is OK to have a quarantine wedding.

If you are planning to get married soon, we wish you the best of luck!

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